deep sea podcast

The Deep-Sea Podcast Reaches Global Success!

Article originally published in DOSI’s Deep-Sea Life magazine, Issue 19, August 2022

Read the original article here

The Deep-Sea Podcast has grown steadily over the last two years and has just cracked the top 3% of global podcasts!

Charting under Life Sciences in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Germany. What started out as a lockdown project, is an attempt to bring the real deep-sea to more and more people... whilst having fun on the way. The show hosts a range of incredible guests, from researchers and artists to film directors and royalty, all with one common thread – a fascination for the deep-sea.

Hosted by Thomas Linley and Alan Jamieson, with regular guest Don Walsh (pilot of the first dive to Challenger Deep and all-round oceanic-legend), the show keeps you up to date, providing commentary on the latest deep-sea discoveries and tales of life at sea - without taking things too seriously. The show acts as a bridge, putting creatives in touch with collections to meet their inspirations, connecting specialists from other sectors with members of the deep-sea community, and involving the public in scientific contributions. There’s also been a surprising amount of consultancy given on biological accuracy for tattoo designs.

In an age of misinformation and mistrust of science, the show aims to show the human side of scientists. Not a cold ivory-tower elite but passionate people working hard. Whilst not perfect, co-host Thom Linley considers it one of the most rewarding outputs of his career. It’s been a fun ride so far, with only more adventures to come, so tune in to your favourite podcast provider and get in touch!

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