021 – Deep sea images and AI with Kakani Katija

021 – Deep sea images and AI with Kakani Katija

It's very difficult to get data from the deep sea… but would you believe that the bottleneck to our understanding of the deep ocean, at least as far as visual data, is processing those images? We talk with Kakani Katija about ways of sharing data and automating its processing through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

018 – Sound in the deep ocean with David Barclay

018 – Sound in the deep ocean with David Barclay

We think of the deep sea as an eerily quiet and spooky place but that isn’t completely true, animal communication, seismic activity, human noise and even the sound of rain and waves from 10 km above. We chat with undersea audio expert Dr David Barclay about the fascinating audio properties of the deep ocean.

017 – Going to sea PSA with Larkin

017 – Going to sea PSA with Larkin

We love going to sea, it is probably the best part of the job. That’s where most of our adventures happen, that’s where most of the exciting discoveries and firsts happen and it’s where we meet some of the most interesting people. We want you to have a great time at sea too and not be put off by a bad first experience. We have put together some advice to help you out on your first trip.

016 – Biodiscovery/Bioprospecting with Marcel Jaspars

016 – Biodiscovery/Bioprospecting with Marcel Jaspars

We are in desperate need for new bioactive compounds. Super bugs are on the rise as evolution finds a way of thwarting our antibiotics. The ocean, and in particular the deep ocean, may be the best place to look for new compounds but is this a threat to the ocean? It is often mentioned alongside seabed trawling, climate change and mining as a threat to the deep ocean

015 - Space pt2 - Design and management of extreme tech with Evan Hilgemann

015 - Space pt2 - Design and management of extreme tech with Evan Hilgemann

Evan Hilgemann, mechanical engineer and Curiosity Rover driver with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JLP) joins us to share how a rover is managed. We chat about the parallels between exploring mars and exploring the deep sea, the similar issues we face, what we can learn from each other and most excitingly, where is technology heading on both fronts.

014 - Space pt1 - The deep sea of other worlds with Kevin Hand and Casey Machado

014 - Space pt1 - The deep sea of other worlds with Kevin Hand and Casey Machado

The topic for this double episode is, as ever, the deep sea. But this time we are talking about the deep sea… Innnnnn Spaaaaaaaace! It turns out there is deep sea outside of earth in our solar system in the ice-covered moons of the gas giants.

011 - Genetics with Heather Ritchie and Johanna Weston

011 - Genetics with Heather Ritchie and Johanna Weston

What can we learn about the deep sea from genetic analysis? Drs Heather Ritchie and Johanna Weston help us understand describing new species and detecting creatures from their DNA alone.

Alan finds a way of sending us audio logs from the field and we have our first interview from over 10km deep!

010 - Here be monsters with Tyler Greenfield

010 - Here be monsters with Tyler Greenfield

Tales of monsters persist to this day and there’s no better place to hide them than in the deep sea. We are joined by planetology student and cryptozoology blogger Tyler Greenfield to look at some of the most famous sea monsters and see if there is any truth to the stories.